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First Month Home!

One month ago last Thursday we brought Olivia home! What a fun month it has been... I'm already saddened by how fast time is flying. I think because of everything that happened this year, I'm hyper-aware of how quickly life can change and I'm cherishing every single moment I spend with her. I keep seeing pictures of kids starting pre-k and kindergarten and its breaking my heart. Dear time, please slow down!

I know I say it in every post but... Olivia is the sweetest baby. She does still show that feisty side when she gets hungry - she can go zero to 100 in under a minute. ;) It is impressive and usually just makes us laugh. She eats and sleeps like a champ. At her doctor's appointment two weeks ago she weighed 6 pounds 12 ounces. We had a follow-up on Friday and she weighed 7 pounds 9 ounces and was 19.5 inches long. We got to turn her oxygen down to the lowest setting and he discontinued her apnea/brady monitor.

We were encouraged by her doctor to limit our outings and exposure to people who are sick/have been sick. I do try to get out at least every other day. Reid has also been really great about keeping her while I run an errand or do something for myself. (He loves his daddy/daughter time!) Reid and I have taken her with us on a few dates (we go on weeknights after the dinner rush) and she sleeps soundly in her covered carseat while we eat. She sleeps so well when its nice and noisy.

For my memory, I want to remember a few things about Olivia at four months (3 weeks adjusted):
- Olivia looks just like me as a baby - nose, mouth, face shape, complexion, etc. A lot of people think she looks just like her PawPaw (my dad) which is really special. While she has a lot of Bain in her, we think she has her daddy's big brown eyes. I think that makes her the perfect mix of both her Mommy and Daddy. It will be fun to see how her features change as she grows.
- She wears size newborn clothes. I'm amazed by how well they fit these days. For a while she was too big for preemie and way to small for NB.
- She loves her crib, nap nanny, swing, and playmat for tummy time. She's pretty content to hang out just about anywhere as long as she's been fed and changed.
- Bathtime with her is so sweet. She usually fusses a bit when we first put her in the water, but she settles down by the time we wash her hair. She has loved having her hair washed since she was itty bitty. She's always very relaxed and cuddly afterwards.
- We are on a demand feeding schedule. She usually eats every 3-4 hours during the day and 4-5 hour stretches at night. She eats for anywhere from 20-30 minutes on average and when taking a bottle she eats 90-120ml. She gets two bottles of Neosure, a high calorie formula, a day.
- Just in the last couple of days we have been trying to implement a schedule of sorts. However, that schedule is still very flexible. But, it is nice to have an idea how the day will go.
- She loves being held and napping on Mommy and Daddy. O and I have been taking an afternoon nap on the couch everyday and its one of my very favorite things to do!
- Samson doesn't really pay her much attention unless Reid and I are both doing something with her. Then he likes to see what our oooh's and ahhh's are all about. I think Samson might be the happiest to see her heart monitor go. It gave lost of false alarms and the beep was so loud it often sent him running to his crate. Poor guy!

I still can't believe you are home! You have changed so much this month and its so special to be home with you everyday. I'm finally getting to do what I've always dreamed... be a mommy. Your mommy. I think often of all the fun things we are going to do together and it makes me so excited. You are absolutely wonderful in every way. I love you fiercely, my sweet baby girl.

A few pictures of Olivia at three weeks adjusted:


  1. So happy for you!

  2. I have ALWAYS thought you were born to be a Mom! Even at 10 years old you showed a mother's intuition. Olivia is blessed to be born to you and Reid.
    Love you much sweet Mare!

  3. She is perfect! What a treasure!

    Happy 1 month home! It only gets better. :)

  4. She is just beautiful! I'm so happy to hear your sweet girl is home and doing well! I love her outfit!

  5. What a little doll! I know how much it means to me to be a mommy. I have followed your blog, and pray/think of your family daily. Blessings!


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