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One day at a time

For the first time in my life I feel like I'm truly living one day at a time. Reid and I had a pretty good day yesterday. We were able to sleep in which was wonderful. Reid made us lunch and we sat outside in the backyard. It was a beautiful day and being outside did a lot of good for my mental health. :) There were still a lot of hard moments as memories from the night before would come rushing back to mind. We miss our sweet babies so much.

Olivia had a good day yesterday. It was uneventful (which is a very good thing in the NICU) and they were able to turn down some of her medicine. We call every morning to check on our sweet girl and her nurse was quick to tell us how feisty our daughter is. We picked up on that in her first day of life, but it was funny to hear that someone else had observed the same. We are so in love with our feisty little Olivia.

After we left the hospital, Reid and I went on a dinner date. It was so good for us to get out and feel like we could do something normal. I can't even begin to tell you what an amazing man I'm married to. The Lord has strengthened our marriage and deepened our love for each other so much over the past three weeks. I can't imagine walking this road with anyone else.

A lot of people have asked when they can visit Olivia. For the duration of her stay in the NICU, only our immediate families will be able to see her. We look forward to people meeting her once she's home!

We are so thankful for all of the support our friends and family have provided this past month. One thing we would ask is that you would leave comments here or use email to get in touch with us so that we can control when we read them. Reid doesn't mind getting texts, but its hard for me - if I'm have a few good moments, sometimes the texts bring everything back to the forefront of my mind. And we do have to leave our phones on 24/7 in case the NICU doctors call. But we really do love all the prayer and support. Please understand that we are grateful to have you all walking this journey alongside us, we just need to set this boundary right now. Thanks, in advance, for understanding.


  1. I've been following your blog for awhile now. I know we don't know each other at all but I just can't get you & your family off my mind. I can't beging to imagine what y'all are going through but your faith truly inspires me. I've been praying & will continue to do so. I'm so glad you've felt like updating all of us who read. It's definitely not expected but I love being able to get a little glimpse of the people I'm praying so fervently for.

  2. Continued prayers for you and your sweet Olivia.

  3. You are an amazing person. Keep believing, and never lose hope. God's plan is perfect, though it is so hard to hold on to that fact this side of heaven. He is with you.

  4. I will pray daily for your sweet Olivia.

  5. i found your blog thru the yount's and have been following since the beginning of your pregnancy. you have been thru so much, and i am heartbroken for what you have lost in these last weeks.
    no one should have to experience what you have been faced with.
    but you have also gained so much- you have become a mother to four girls, and will always be their mom, no matter what has happened or will happen.
    you will get thru this- just like you are saying, one day at a time.
    lean on each other and try to stay focused on the love.
    will be thinking of your olivia, hoping she progresses and thrives.
    and will be thinking of your sweet girls who have gone too soon.
    much love to you and your husband.

  6. Our continued prayers for sweet Olivia and that she grows stronger each day. Our prayers, too, for YOUR strength and courage through these days as somehow through the grace of our Lord that you can take it one day at a time.

    Sarah Frost

  7. Praying all day long for you, Reid, and Olivia. I'm a mile away if you need anything! Love you, Mare.

  8. Mare, our friends are praying along side you. You are on our hearts - and are comforted that God will be your peace that passes our understanding. You are living out your faith in a way that glorifies the Lord greatly.

  9. Continuing to pray for you, Reid and your feisty little girl. Love you all so, so much!

  10. Sending you peace in your heart and soul.. You are a strong wife mother and person... But sometimes even the strongest personsneed to be held. I;m holding you up in pray...

  11. Mare, I so look forward to the day when I get to meet sweet Olivia and get to tell her about her beautifully faithful mommy and daddy. Wes and I pray for God to give you all rest in Him and from any new struggles, peace in His goodness and plan, strength as you wrestle through the pain of losing beautiful lives, and health for you, Reid, and Olivia.

  12. I found your blog today and wanted to send prayers for you, your husband and your sweet little girl for God's perfect plan. The NICU journey can be one of the hardest jounrey's that God will see you threw. I can't begin to imagine how hard all this must be for you both. And all my prayers are with you.

  13. God grant me the serenity
    to accept the things I cannot change;
    courage to change the things I can;
    and wisdom to know the difference.

    Living one day at a time;
    Enjoying one moment at a time;
    Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
    Taking, as He did, this sinful world
    as it is, not as I would have it;
    Trusting that He will make all things right
    if I surrender to His Will;
    That I may be reasonably happy in this life
    and supremely happy with Him
    Forever in the next.
    Amen : After I lost My Twin born at 26 weeks I said this over and over It has been 5 years now you do learn to live with your lost but you don't learn to remove the hurt from your heart. I send you hugs

  14. We are all praying for you my sweet friend. We are praying for mercy, strength, and many miracles to come with precious Olivia. Please know you have an army of big and little(Luke and Emme) prayer warriors covering you constantly. I hoping there is rest and peace that follows soon. We love you Mare and Reido Burrito.

  15. My heart hurts for your loss, I cannot imagine how you are dealing with all of this. I have been following your blog for a while and pray for your family. Your little Olivia is going to make it. I just know it. Your other the angels are with their grandma, and as hard as it is right now, take it one day at a time. People are praying for you all. God bless you!

    Heather, Potterville MI

  16. I know I have visited your blog before, via Heather of the Cox Quads. I am praying for you & sweet Olivia. I've been reading back in your posts and am amazed by your strength through all of this, although as you live it I'm sure you don't feel very strong at all. What precious angels you have watching over you, your husband, and Olivia now.

  17. The strength that you possess truly amazes me! You have gone through this whole journey with such grace and acceptance and understanding in God's plan for each of his children. I am truly amazed! I will continue to pray that with each day the weight and sadness you feel fades and with each new a day a sense of peace and hope take it's place. Finally, go Olivia on a good day in the N.I.C.U! Prayers to you and your family!

  18. My heart aches for you guys right now... I know no words will make things easier or better, but we are praying for you guys constantly. Christin

  19. I dont know you personally and you dont know me but i have been following your blog for a while now. I am so broken hearted for you but am so happy to think that your beautiful girls are with jesus right now and wont face struggles of this earth. I pray that miss olivia would continue to be a fighter for her stay in the nicu and as she grows to be a lovely woman of God. Your faith and strangth is a comfort and inspiration to me. Thank you for the updates and we will continue to pray for you and your family!

  20. Your sweet family is on my heart and mind constantly- Continued prayers for you and praying for sweet Olivia to grow and continue her fight! Sending you lots of love. Kami

  21. Prayed for sweet Olivia all day long! Love that she's a feisty fighter (everyone with the name Olivia is extra special anyway we think!!) Love reading about your time with Reid. What a gift you both have in each other!! Glad you had some refreshing time away and outside. Needed!! Lifting your precious family up!!!

  22. I am very sorry for your loss no words said will ever comfort you and your husband like the love God bestows on you every day. God does have a plan for your family and only He knows what it is it is your part to just follow where He leads you in life. I have been blessed with quadruplets grandchildren that have recently turned three and I do remember the time when they were in the nicu as they were born at 29 weeks. It is a blessing from God that He blesses us with His children to raise for Him and His Glory. I know you have great faith and you will need to lean on that faith for comfort and guidance through all what you're going through God will be there for you as will your family and friends. I cannot fathom the pain your are going through I can only pray for your child and your family which I will do as I am sure hundreds of friends and family are doing.God will continue to bless you and your husband. BE STRONG.

  23. I am so very sorry for your loss. I found your link through another mom of multiples that i follow. Seeing my own triplets born unexpectedly at 27 weeks was the scariest thing I have experienced in my life. Everything was normal then BAM you are rushed into an OR having babies that should still be growing inside u. It all happens so fast. All three of our babies were just over 2 pounds and we are thankful everyday that they made it. I cannot begin to imagine what u r going through, but just know that even strangers are thinking of u and your family and hoping for the best for baby olivia!

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Mouring along side you. Love and Miss you. We can't wait to meet Miss Olivia.

  26. Mare, I am so sorry for the loss of your mom and your precious babies. I know they are singing and playing in heaven with their Grandma. Know I am praying for precious Olivia, you, and Reid. May He comfort you and give you strength and peace that only He can give you! May He give Olivia some extra spunk and fight! Leslie Shanks

  27. Mare, I am so sorry for the loss of your mom and your precious babies. I know they are singing and playing in heaven with their Grandma. Know I am praying for precious Olivia, you, and Reid. May He comfort you and give you strength and peace that only He can give you! May He give Olivia some extra spunk and fight! Leslie Shanks

  28. I haven't been online much over the past week due to Brayden's birthday party, so I'm sorry if I've sent texts after you wrote this. Praying hard for you guys. I love you so much!

  29. My first time visiting your blog. I am so very sorry for what you are going through. Your faith is inspiring and the only thing that will get you through this. May God and your sweet angels continue to give you strength. I will pray for you daily, your Olivia needs you, and may she continue to grow and thrive every day. I delivered my triplets at 25 weeks and cannot begin to imagine the pain you are feeling.

  30. Oh Sweet Girl, Mare, hang on to hope. May God Bless you and keep you and your family whether it is here on Earth or in heaven. I am praying for Olivia as well as all of you.

  31. Mare, I am another mom of multiples & came across your blog from Allison Jennings. I just wanted to let you and Reid know that I'm praying for you and your family - that Jesus would bring you comfort and peace that only He can. I am so sorry to hear about your losses - my heart truly aches for you. My triplet boys were due March 25th, but we lost our son Nathan on Jan. 16th. His brothers, John & Andrew, were born just 6 days later and are now doing great. It was the best and worst time of my life all rolled into one, so I understand some of what you may be feeling. Cling to each other and the promises in God's word, and know that eventually each day will get a little easier.
    Alison in Illinois


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